So I never posted our pics from Vegas... so heeeeeere you go! Granted, being uber-pregnant and going to Vegas wasn't quite as fun as Vegas normally is... but we still had fun ;) We went and saw BlueManGroup... which was great... Danny loved it more than I did but I thought it was pretty good. (I wanted to see LionKing... but i got the promise of "next time we'll go to Lion King for SURE....) uh huh. ;) Anyhew... This BlueMan was just DYING to take a picture with me... as you can tell by his face.

This tree was at the Bellagio Conservatory... He was kiiiinda creepy and kept whispering at us... I think he thought Danny was hot...

Classic Danny.... Doing something silly while I'm looking around to make sure there aren't any cops.

Danny was enamoured with this mini-bellagio... it was really cool... they made a miniature of the hotel but made it look really cottage-y... Danny took many shots till he got one with the fountains going off...

I think this is when we took a break from the pool and went to the ESPN zone to watch some of the football games... there was like.... at 2 1/2 hr wait for a table... but then we went upstairs and we got lucky finding a table open in the bar area... which ended up workin out great since we were surrounded by a ton of TVs. Some crazy pregnant lady bumped the pepper shaker with her belly and the thing shattered everywhere... silly pregnant ladies. I went and told the waitress "someone" knocked over a pepper shaker.... i don't think she bought it.

We ended up getting 4th row for BlueManGroup... they actually pulled us aside as we were coming in and asked if we wanted to be part of the show... at 1st we said yes but then realized it was this tiny bit part and they would have moved us out of our seats... to further back ones... so we were really glad we went back and told them no... cuz our seats were AWESOME. 4th row right in the middle.

Me alone with creepy tree...

Danny taking a Dumpty...pardon the pun.

More BlueMan... So my pictures aren't in order.... I'm too lazy to put the BlueMan Pics together...

I loved this tree... it was my favorite... he was like an old soul...

OH and for Serendipity the MOVIE... fans... they just opened Serendipity3 at Ceaser's Palace... I simply ADORE this movie... and have always wanted to eat at the Serendipity in NY... but seeing as I've never actually GONE to NY... I hadn't... So we went... I was hoping to sit outside.. but it was FAAAAREEEEEZING that nite. Some hints if you go there... the desserts loooook amazing. I say LOOK amazing... because I was so saddened to not actually EAT one of their delicious sundaes. We ordered some nachos and this chicken pizza... turns out their portions are HUUUUGE. we were STUFFED. I was literally upset that we bought food and couldn't eat a dessert... it was the main reason I was going... but we couldn't even finish our meals. The pizza was really good. (the nachos... not so much, i've made better at home). Anyhew... It was a cute little place but I still want to go to the NY one... And now I'm better prepared. I'll be going there with only BigHuge Sundae on the brain. (NO not the 1,000 dessert though they do serve it at this one...) Anyhew... there's Vegas.
it looks like you guys had a great time. you crazy kids you. you look so cute pregnant. nice work on that. i think i'll be really ugly pregnant. who knows....and the blue man pic reminds me of thabias from arrested developement! did you ever watch that show? SOOO FUNNY!!!!
Vegas is so much fun! I'm glad you had a good time, and your pregnant belly is so cute!
Steph... YOU ARE SO CUTE PREGNANT! YEAH! I am so excited for you! You will be the funnest parents! Can't wait to see this little guy!
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