Saturday, April 16, 2011

Carter just LOVES playing with his Balls...

One of Carter's faV things to do these days is play with his balls (get your mind out of the gutter, dirty birds!)... I find them all day long...
In the sink...
On the counter....
In the fridge...
On top of the stove... (good aim eh?!) It's also ended up IN pots that have food in them...
In the dishwasher...
Under the sink... (his blocks end up everywhere too... but the balls are his favorite)...
In the bathrooms...
Under the sofas...
There's many other places... but these are the ones that were loaded at the time... Off to clean up before the little monster wakes and finds new places to stick his balls!
(Sorry if you were hoping for naughty pics... he DOES like to play with those balls too... but I'll refrain from posting pics of that ;)

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