So my baby boy is 18 months!
We love him to bits and pieces...
He's getting so tall and growing up so fast!
He's starting to talk more.... here's a few of his favorite words: Ball, Poop, All Done, French Fries, Choo Choo, Eyes, Nose, NO!, MINE!, Bottle, Zeke (our dog), Dog, Apple, Snack, Gabba (for Yo GabbaGabba), Nite Nite, Yes, Feet, Dada, Mama, Papa (for grandpa/grandma), Cheese, Juice, Pool, Outside, Puppy....
We are working on more but those are ones he is pretty good at saying!
He's loving to run round everywhere... he's a pretty well-mannered kid so far... but he is starting to master the art of the temper tantrum! They are pretty short so far... and as soon as I say "Say you're sorry" he gives me a big hug and it's usually over.
He loves to dance... high five, hug, KISS... he gives BIG hugs, cuddle, take baths, swim... all the fun things boys do!
Anyhew... we are still having a hard time getting him to eat new things... although he DID eat bacon a few days ago... which was a big moment for us!
Cant wait to see him get even bigger!
he is soooooo darling! love his blonde hair and blue eyes!!!
Love these pics!
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